Thursday, October 31, 2019

By contrasting these seven works, discuss the idea of the self (me, Essay

By contrasting these seven works, discuss the idea of the self (me, the artist, my portrait, my body) and what leads the viewer to identify with these works - Essay Example Organized loosely around the principle that a mimetic representation is one that "looks like" the subject, or more specifically has a photographic component to its content, then the self portraits of Chuck Close, Bruce Nauman, Andy Warhol, and arguably Christian Schad are mimetic in nature. Provisionally, while the Christian Schad painting lacks a photographic realism that the others to some degree or another elicit, the facial features of Schad in the self-portrait insofar that they are meant to correspond to the actual features of someone's face do so successfully. One could reasonably suggest that they could imagine a human being looking like the character in the Schad painting. This notion of being human plays an important role in our theoretical development of identity. Our responses to human facial features are deeply programmed into our biology, our ability to recognize pain, ecstasy, surprise or indignation based on the slightest of facial movements is highly refined. Moreove r, our penchant to anthropomorphize animal behaviors speaks to our deep desire to "find the human" in our world. Our concept of identity and self is intimately tied to the species of which we count ourselves as members. Thus some of the other pictures such as the Picasso, or The Tree of Life, or Psyche do not immediately strike us as examples of real people depicting their identity. This resistance derives from an inherent preference for human features, namely the eyes in order to properly judge identity. This preference is intimated by the phrase, "looking a person in the eyes," in order to gather something about who they are as people. This sort of species-mimetic cage of identity of self is exactly the sort of prison that the works of Ana Mendieta and Gina Pane are explicitly trying to escape. Though interestingly the photographically influenced works are not totally submissive to this warden of identity and each in their own way seeks to subtly subvert this dominant paradigm. Chuck Close is most intimately associated with the Photo-Realist school, whose emphasis was on technical mastery and detail. Though Close has worked with a number of different media formats, in this screenprint a photo is gridded and each individual block is then transposed onto a larger canvas. The work is intentionally pixilated to foreground this method, and as a result the notion of a photo-realistic portrayal of Close is oddly transformed into a somewhat fuzzy understanding of the identity of Chuck Close. One can choose to parse that in any number of ways, possibly that one "true" identity can never be literally transposed anywhere. Bruce Nauman's, Self-Portrait as a Fountain, seems less concerned about the nature of identity transposition and more focused on analyzing the semiotic chain between self and object. One might suggest that the print is a picture of some person spitting water out of his mouth and little else. The evidence for this is in fact compelling. Because of the photo-realistic image we are in little doubt that that person is or was in fact a human in existence somewhere in the world. In this sort of tactically blunt interpretation it might also be held that the water flowing out of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION - Essay Example Nocera (2007) Hence, the usage of information has drastically been enhanced since the advent of human computer interaction. This paper will discuss many facets of HCI which include: information systems, analog and digital systems, Artificial intelligence and speech recognition. One cannot understand the importance of HCI without comprehending what actually an information systems. Human Computer interaction is a collaborative effort that strives to connect people, network, software, hardware, and data in order to facilitate the daily operations of a business. There are many types of information systems that consist of: manual, informal, formal, and computer-based. Systems engineering derived from HCI in essence give valuable data to organizations that can be given evaluated upon, analyzed, and enhance the value of the key goals that the organization possesses managing information systems stems from internetwork enterprises. Foulds (2006) Information systems with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a huge element because it allows children and technology. It is clear that internet and technology are vital components of the future. With the advent of technology, the internet has become a very strong force. Internet is a monumental channel that can have a positive and a negative impact on children. This paper will examine the pros and cons of the internet and its effect on children. Before dwelling into HCI, it is imperative to understand the history behind it. Human Computer Interaction has been a prominent idea from the beginning of 1970s when computers and humans began interacting with each other. Spreadsheets and computer games became highly critical because user interface became common. Nocera (2007) This was very basic interaction as modern technology have not been developed. Calculations, word processing, and excels also came later as basic processing and storage were the primitive examples of HCI. As years progressed, the logic behind

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Procedure For Analysis And Simulation Using Ansys

Procedure For Analysis And Simulation Using Ansys This section describes the overall workflow involved when performing dynamic transient structural analysis in the Mechanical application by using ANSYS Workbench 12.0. Each step will include with figure that show how the analysis and the result been prepared. 5.2 Create Analysis System There are several types of analyses you can perform in the ANSYS Mechanical application. However, in this chapter only Transient Structural Analysis procedure will be cover to determine the dynamic response of a structure under the action of any general time-dependent loads. The following steps explain how to build a system in ANSYS Workbench. The appropriate group in the Toolbox has been selected with the Analysis Systems group. The appropriate template has been selected which is Transient Structural (ANSYS). The template in the Toolbox has been double-click, or drag it onto the Project Schematic. All possible drop locations has been preview by using a drag-and-drop operation. Alternatively, right-click in the Project Schematic whitespace and select the type of analysis you want to add. During creating a new system, the name of the system is automatically highlighted and ready for editing. If you wish to change the name, simply type the new name. You can change the name later by double-clicking the name to highlight it and typing the new name, or by selecting the Rename option from the context menu (available via right-mouse click on the header cell). Figure 5.2: New Analysis System has been created for Transient Structural (ANSYS) which is shown the location of the Toolbox and Project Schematic. Also shown the step to import geometry. If necessary, define appropriate engineering data for your analysis. Right click the Engineering Data cell, and select Edit, or double-click the Engineering Data cell. The Engineering Data workspace appears, where you can add or edit material data as necessary. Attach geometry to your system or build a new geometry in DesignModeler. Right click the Geometry cell and select Import Geometry to attach an existing model or select New Geometry to launch DesignModeler. Figure 5.3: Windows for attaching geometry from SolidWorks 2009 file to the system. Define all loads and boundary conditions. Right click the Setup cell and select Edit. The appropriate application for the selected analysis type will open the Mechanical application. Set up your analysis using that applications tools and features. You can solve your analysis by issuing an Update, either from the data-integrated application youre using to set up your analysis, or from the ANSYS Workbench GUI. 5.3 Engineering Data Engineering Data is a resource for material properties used in an analysis system. The Engineering Data workspace is designed to allow you to create, save, and retrieve material models, as well as to create libraries of data that can be saved and used in subsequent projects and by other users. Engineering Data can be shown as a component system or as a cell in any Mechanical analysis system. When viewed as a cell in a Mechanical analysis system, the workspace shows the material models and properties pertinent to that systems physics. To access Engineering Data: Insert an Engineering Data component system or a Mechanical system into the Project Schematic. Select Edit from the Engineering Data cells context menu, or double-click the cell. The Engineering Data workspace appears. From here, navigate through the data for the analysis system, access external data sources, create new data, and store data for future use. Figure 5.4: The Engineering Data workspace is designed to allowed to create, save, and retrieve material models. 5.4 Geometry Use the Geometry cell to import, create, edit or update the geometry model used for analysis. For this analysis, the geometry has been import from SolidWorks 2009 assembly file format .SLDASM to the DesignModeler and there no need to be redraw again and proceed to the next step. Before Attaching CAD geometry to the Mechanical application, specifying several options that determine the characteristics of the geometry you choose to import. Figure 5.5: Selecting desired length unit option before start DesignModeler workspace. Procedure attaching CAD geometry to the Mechanical application in condition CAD system is running: Select the Geometry cell in an analysis system schematic. Right-click on the Geometry cell listed there. Double-click on the Model cell in the same analysis system schematic. The Mechanical application opens and displays the geometry. If required, set geometry options in the Mechanical application by highlighting the Geometry object and choosing settings under Preferences in the Details view. Figure 5.6: DesignModeler workspace with successfully imported from SolidWorks 2009 assembly file format which can be adjust as desired. 5.5 Stiffness Behaviour In addition making changes to the material properties of a part, designate a parts Stiffness Behaviour as flexible or rigid. Setting a parts behaviour as rigid essentially reduces the representation of the part to a single point mass thus significantly reducing the solution time. For this analysis, the cylindrical workpiece will be a rigid body and thus both top and bottom clamp will be define as flexible body. This is because the analysis itself is to determine the response of the clamping to the time-vary load. A rigid part will need only data about the density of the material to calculate mass characteristics. Note that if density is temperature dependent, density will be evaluated at the reference temperature. For contact conditions, Youngs modulus has been specified. Figure 5.7: Shown the Details view for rod 16-2-1 changing the Stiffness behaviour of the cylindrical workpiece to the Rigid. 5.6 Define Connections Connections include contact regions, joints, springs, or beams. Contact conditions are formed where bodies meet. When an assembly is imported from a CAD system, contact between various parts is automatically detected. In this analysis there are only two type of connection that will be used which is contact regions and joints. 5.6.1 Contact Regions The differences in the contact settings determine how the contacting bodies can move relative to one another. This is the most common setting and has the most impact for this analysis. Most of these types only apply to contact regions made up of faces only. Bonded: This is the default configuration and applies to all contact regions (surfaces, solids, lines, faces, edges). If contact regions are bonded, then no sliding or separation between faces or edges is allowed. No Separation: This contact setting is similar to the bonded case. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3-D solids) or edges (for 2-D plates). Frictionless: This setting models standard unilateral contact; that is, normal pressure equals zero if separation occurs. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3-D solids) or edges (for 2-D plates). A zero coefficient of friction is assumed, thus allowing free sliding. Rough: Similar to the frictionless setting, this setting models perfectly rough frictional contact where there is no sliding. It only applies to regions of faces (for 3-D solids) or edges (for 2-D plates). Frictional: In this setting, two contacting faces can carry shear stresses up to a certain magnitude across their interface before they start sliding relative to each other. It only applies to regions of faces. The model defines an equivalent shear stress at which sliding on the face begins as a fraction of the contact pressure. Once the shear stress is exceeded, the two faces will slide relative to each other. The coefficient of friction can be any non-negative value. Choosing the appropriate contact type depends on the type of problem that are trying to solve. Modelling the ability of bodies to separate or open slightly is important and/or obtaining the stresses very near a contact interface is important, nonlinear contact types (Frictionless, Rough, Frictional) has been considered to be used. However, using these contact types results in longer solution times and can have possible convergence problems due to the contact nonlinearity. When determining the exact area of contact is critical, finer mesh has been considered to be used (using the Sizing control) on the contact faces or edges that will be explain on the next sub chapter. Friction Coefficient: Allows you to enter a friction coefficient. Displayed only for frictional contact applications. Scope Mode: Read-only property that displays how the contact region was generated. Automatic Program automatically generated contact region. Manual Contact region was constructed or modified by the user. Behavior: Sets contact pair to one of the following: Asymmetric: Contact will be asymmetric for the solve. All face/edge and edge/edge contacts will be asymmetric. Asymmetric contact has one face as Contact and one face as Target (as defined under Scope Settings), creating a single contact pair. This is sometimes called one-pass contact, and is usually the most efficient way to model face-to-face contact for solid bodies. The Behavior must be Asymmetric if the scoping includes a body specified with rigid Stiffness Behavior. Symmetric: (Default) Contact will be symmetric for the solve. Auto Asymmetric: Automatically creates an asymmetric contact pair, if possible. This can significantly improve performance in some instances. When you choose this setting, during the solution phase the solver will automatically choose the more appropriate contact face designation. Of course, you can designate the roles of each face in the contact pair manually. Figure 5.8: Shown are the summary of the connection in Worksheet view including contact information, joint DOF checker, and joint information. 5.6.2 Setting Contact Conditions Manually Manual contact regions represent contact over the entire extent of the contact scope, for example, faces of the contact region. Procedure to set contact regions manually: Click the Connections object in the Tree Outline. Click the right mouse button and choose Insert> Manual Contact Region. You can also select the Contact button on the toolbar. A Contact Region item appears in the Outline. Click that item, and under the Details View, specify the Contact and Target regions (faces or edges) and the contact type. See the Contact and Target topics in the Scope Settings section for additional Contact Region scoping restrictions. 5.7 Joints A joint typically serves as a junction where bodies are joined together. Joint types are characterized by their rotational and translational degrees of freedom as being fixed or free. For all joints that have both translational degrees of freedom and rotational degrees of freedom, the kinematics of the joint is as follows: Translation: The moving coordinate system translates in the reference coordinate system. If your joint is a slot for example, the translation along X is expressed in the reference coordinate system. Once the translation has been applied, the center of the rotation is the location of the moving coordinate system. 5.7.1 Types of Joints You can create the following types of joints in the Mechanical application: Fixed Joint Revolute Joint Cylindrical Joint Translational Joint Slot Joint Universal Joint Spherical Joint Planar Joint General Joint Bushing Joint 5.7.2 Applying Joints Procedure to add a joint manually: After importing the model, highlight the Model object in the tree and choose the Connections button from the toolbar. Highlight the new Connections object and choose either Body-Ground> {type of joint} or Body-Body> {type of joint} from the toolbar, as applicable. Highlight the new Joint object and scope the joint to a face. Reposition the coordinate system origin location or orientation as needed. The Body Views button in the toolbar displays Reference and Mobile bodies in separate windows with appropriate transparencies applied. You have full body manipulation capabilities in each of these windows. Configure the joint. The Configure button in the toolbar positions the Mobile body according to the joint definition. You can then manipulate the joint interactively (for example, rotate the joint) directly on the model. Consider renaming the joint objects based on the type of joint and the names of the joined geometry. Display the Joint DOF Checker and modify joint definitions if necessary. Create a redundancy analysis to interactively check the influence of individual joint degrees of freedom on the redundant constraints. Procedure to move a joint coordinate system to a particular face: Highlight the Coordinate System field in the Details view of the Joint object. The origin of the coordinate system will include a yellow sphere indicating that the movement mode is active. Select the face that is to be the destination of the coordinate system. The coordinate system in movement mode relocates to the centroid of the selected face, leaving an image of the coordinate system at its original location. Click the Apply button. The image of the coordinate system changes from movement mode to a permanent presence at the new location. Procedure to change the orientation of a joint coordinate system: Highlight the Coordinate System field in the Details view of the Joint object. The origin of the coordinate system will include a yellow sphere indicating that the movement mode is active. Click on any of the axis arrows you wish to change. Additional handles are displayed for each axis. Click on the handle or axis representing the new direction to which you want to reorient the initially selected axis. The axis performs a flip transformation. Click the Apply button. The image of the coordinate system changes from movement mode to a permanent presence at the new orientation. You can change or delete the status of the flip transformation by highlighting the Reference Coordinate System object or a Mobile Coordinate System object and making the change or deletion under the Transformations category in the Details view of the child joint coordinate system. When selecting either a Reference Coordinate System object or a Mobile Coordinate System object, various settings are displayed in the Details view. 5.8 Meshing In this stage, the model need to be mesh in order to analyze the model. The goal of meshing in ANSYS Workbench is to provide robust, easy to use meshing tools that will simplify the mesh generation process. These tools have the benefit of being highly automated along with having a moderate to high degree of user control. 5.8.1 Physics Based Meshing When the Meshing application is launched from the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, the physics preference will be set based on the type of system being edited. For a Mechanical Model system as in this analysis, the Mechanical physics preference is used. For a Mesh system, the physics preference defined in Tools> Options> Meshing> Default Physics Preference is used. Upon startup of the Meshing application from a Mesh system, the Meshing Options panel shown below in figure 5.5. This panel allows to quickly and easily set meshing preferences based on the physics are prepared to be solved. Remove the panel after startup, the panel can be display again by clicking the Options button from the Mesh toolbar. Figure 5.9: Meshing option in Mechanical application. The first option the panel allows to set is Physics Preference. This corresponds to the Physics Preference value in the Details View of the Mesh folder. Setting the meshing defaults to a specified physics preference sets options in the Mesh folder such as Relevance Center, midside node behavior, shape checking, and other meshing behaviors. ANSYS Workbench meshing capabilities, arranged according to the physics type involved in the analysis. For this analysis, Mechanical physics is used, the preferred meshers for mechanical analysis are the patch conforming meshers (Patch Conforming Tetrahedrons and Sweeping) for solid bodies and any of the surface body meshers. 5.8.2 Using 3D Rigid Body Contact Meshing This section describes the basic steps for using 3D rigid body contact meshing. Procedure to define a 3D rigid body for contact meshing: Open the model in the Mechanical application. In the Tree, expand the Geometry object so that the body objects are visible. Click on the body that you want to define as a rigid body. In the Details> Definition view for the body, change the value of the Stiffness Behavior control to Rigid. If you wish to control the mesh method, insert a mesh method by right-clicking on the Mesh object in the Tree and selecting Insert> Method. In the Details View, scope the mesh method to the rigid body. If desired, change the value of the Element Midside Nodes control. Generate the mesh by right-clicking on the Mesh object in the Tree and selecting Generate Mesh. Figure 5.10: meshing result for current design analysis. 5.9 Establish Analysis Settings In transient structural analysis includes a group of analysis settings that allow to define various solution options customized to the specific analysis type, such as large deflection for a stress analysis. Default values are included for all settings. Procedure to verify/change analysis settings in the Mechanical application: Highlight the Analysis Settings object in the tree. This object was inserted automatically when you established a new analysis in the Create Analysis System overall step. Verify or change settings in the Details view of the Analysis Settings object. These settings include default values that are specific to the analysis type. Accept these defaults. In this analysis involves the use of steps, by refering to the procedures presented below. Procedure to create multiple steps: Highlight the Analysis Settings object in the tree. Modify the Number of Steps field in the Details view. Each additional Step has a default Step End Time that is one second more than the previous step. These step end times can be modified as needed in the Details view. Adding more steps simply by adding additional step End Time values in the Tabular Data window. . Figure 5.11: The following demonstration illustrates adding steps by modifying the Number of Steps field in the Details view Procedure to Specifying Analysis Settings for Multiple Steps: Create multiple steps following the procedure To create multiple steps above. Most Step Controls, Nonlinear Controls, and Output Controls fields in the Details view of Analysis Settings are step aware, that is, these settings can be different for each step. Activate a particular step by selecting a time value in the Graph window or the Step bar displayed below the chart in the Graph window. The Step Controls grouping in the Details view indicates the active Step ID and corresponding Step End Time. Figure 5.12: The following demonstration illustrates turning on the legend in the Graph window, entering analysis settings for a step, and entering different analysis settings for another step. To specify the same analysis setting(s) to several steps, select all the steps of interest as follows and change the analysis settings details. To change analysis settings for a subset of all of the steps from the Tabular Data window: Highlight the Analysis Settings object. Highlight steps in the Tabular Data window using either of the following standard windowing techniques: Ctrl key to highlight individual steps. Shift key to highlight a continuous group of steps. Click the right mouse button in the window and choose Select All Highlighted Steps from the context menu. Specify the analysis settings as needed. These settings will apply to all selected steps. To specify analysis settings for all the steps: Click the right mouse button in either window and choose Select All Steps. Specify the analysis settings as needed. These settings will apply to all selected steps. Figure 5.13: The following demonstration illustrates multiple step selection using the bar in the Graph window, entering analysis settings for all selected steps, selecting only highlighted steps in the Tabular Data window, and selecting all steps. Figure 5.14: The Worksheet tab for the Analysis Settings object provides a single display of pertinent settings in the Details view for all steps. 5.10 Joint Load When using joints in a Transient Structural (ANSYS) analysis, use a Joint Load object to apply a kinematic driving condition to a single degree of freedom on a Joint object. Joint Load objects are applicable to all joint types except fixed, general, universal, and spherical joints. For translation degrees of freedom, the Joint Load can apply a displacement, velocity, acceleration, or force. For rotation degrees of freedom, the Joint Load can apply a rotation, angular velocity, angular acceleration, or moment. The directions of the degrees of freedom are based on the reference coordinate system of the joint and not on the mobile coordinate system. A positive joint load will tend to cause the mobile body to move in the positive degree of freedom direction with respect to the reference body, assuming the mobile body is free to move. If the mobile body is not free to move then the reference body will tend to move in the negative degree of freedom direction for the Joint Load. For the joint with the applied Joint Load, dragging the mouse will indicate the nature of the reference/mobile definition in terms of positive and negative motion. Procedure to apply a Joint Load: Highlight the Transient environment object and insert a Joint Load from the right mouse button context menu or from the Loads drop down menu in the Environment toolbar. From the Joint drop down list in the Details view of the Joint Load, select the particular Joint object that you would like to apply to the Joint Load. You should apply a Joint Load to the mobile bodies of the joint. It is therefore important to carefully select the reference and mobile bodies while defining the joint. Select the unconstrained degree of freedom for applying the Joint Load, based on the type of joint. You make this selection from the DOF drop down list. For joint types that allow multiple unconstrained degrees of freedom, a separate Joint Load is necessary to drive each one. Joint Load objects that include velocity, acceleration, rotational velocity or rotational acceleration are not applicable to static structural analyses. Select the type of Joint Load from the Type drop down list. The list is filtered with choices of Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, and Force if you selected a translational DOF in step 3. The choices are Rotation, Rotational Velocity, Rotational Acceleration, and Moment if you selected a rotational DOF. Specify the magnitude of the Joint Load type selected in step 4 as a constant, in tabular format, or as a function of time using the same procedure as is done for most loads in the Mechanical application. On Windows platforms, an alternative and more convenient way to accomplish steps 1 and 2 above is to drag and drop the Joint object of interest from under the Connections object folder to the Transient object folder. When you highlight the new Joint Load object, the Joint field is already completed and you can continue at step 3 with DOF selection. Figure 5.15: All load applied to the structural for current design analysis including Earth Gravity, Horizontal Joint Load and Vertical Joint Load. 5.11 Solve This step initiates the solution process. The solution has been carried out on the local machine. Since transient solutions can take significant time to complete, a status bar is provided that indicates the overall progress of solution. More detailed information on solution status can be obtained from the Solution Information object which is automatically inserted under the Solution folder for all analyses. Figure 5.16: More detailed information on solution status can be obtained from the Solution Information in Worksheet view. The overall solution progress is indicated by a status bar. In addition the Solution Information object has been used which is inserted automatically under the Solution folder. This object allows to: View the actual output from the solver, Graphically monitor items such as convergence criteria for nonlinear problems and Diagnose possible reasons for convergence difficulties by plotting Newton-Raphson residuals. 5.12 Review Results For this transient structural analysis, the interested will be in total deformation and maximum shear results. The Results in the Mechanical Application will show as figure and tabular data. Procedure to add result objects in the Mechanical application: Highlight a Solution object in the tree. Select the appropriate result from the Solution context toolbar or use the right-mouse click option. Figure 5.17: Shown the right-click mouse option to add result in Mechanical application for Total Deformation. Procedure to review results in the Mechanical application: Click on a result object in the tree. After the solution has been calculated, review and interpret the results in the following ways: Contour results Displays a contour plot of a result such as stress over geometry. Vector Plots Displays certain results in the form of vectors (arrows). Probes Displays a result at a single time point, or as a variation over time, using a graph and a table. Charts Displays different results over time, or displays one result against another result, for example, force vs. displacement. Animation Animates the variation of results over geometry including the deformation of the structure. Stress Tool to evaluate a design using various failure theories. Fatigue Tool to perform advanced life prediction calculations. Contact Tool to review contact region behavior in complex assemblies. Beam Tool to evaluate stresses in line body representations. Figure 5.18: A contour result of Maximum Shear Stress for current design. All the contour colour indicate different value of shear stress over a geometry.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Small Business Administration (SBA) Essay -- GCSE Business Marketi

The Small Business Administration (SBA) In July of 1953 the United States Congress amended an act called the Small Business Act. Many believed that the essence of the American economic system of private enterprise is free competition. Also, that only through full and free competition can free markets, free entry into business, and opportunities for expression and growth of personal initiative and individual judgment can be assured. Thus, the Small Business Act was amended. In order to carry out the policies of this Act there was hereby created an agency under the name "Small Business Administration". The United States Small Business Administration, more commonly known as the SBA, is a federal agency to protect and assist America's greatest resource, the small business. Since American enterprise is the backbone of our economy and the driving force behind economic growth and prosperity. ?The mission of the Small Business Administration (SBA) is to maintain and strengthen the Nation's economy by aiding, counseling, assisting, and protecting the interests of small businesses and by helping businesses and families recover from disasters.? The SBA's mission is to create economic development through small businesses. To put it in simple terms, the SBA helps businesses get started and helps established businesses grow. The SBA has many functions; here we discuss the six of the functions that small businesses should look at. The first function of the SBA is Business Development, based on management assistance through information, counseling, training and conferences, utilizing the following programs: Â · Services Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) Â · Small Business Institutes (SBI) Â · Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) Â · ... loans are primarily to help homeowners, renters, and businesses of all sizes for rebuilding there disrupted home or business. When the natural disaster victims need to barrow money to rebuild uninsured damages, it is a good way to go, when you go to the SBA because of the low interest rates, and long-term availability from the SBA. The key things about the loans are that they fix them to your economic standing. Since the SBA was implemented in 1953 the disaster loan assistance program has approved 1.14 million loans and has loaned out more than 16 billion dollars. The SBA has four distinct offices that deal with disaster loans and they are located in Sacramento California, Atlanta Georgia, Ft. Worth Texas, and Niagara Falls New York. The offices are located in very distinct areas of concentration. Due to the fact of geographical storms or natural disasters.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Freedom: Political Philosophy and Current Societal Setting Essay

In our current societal setting we, as citizens, are essentially free. Many people have differing opinions as to what this freedom should entail. Americans have always stood their ground in the fight for liberties and privileges, both civil and personal, which we feel are deserved. This is a continuing scenario as cultural progression opens new doors for a variety of people. Many have written in the past concerning this topic. These writings are transcendent through time and are still applicable today. One noteworthy author who discusses freedom being Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Rousseau’s writings focus on the defining of what freedom is, how to acquire it and how to maintain that freedom once it is achieved. Countless times these works have been used as reference to help people make a more solid decision as to their own definition of freedom. I will be using these works to discuss my own views concerning this subject and how society today is affected by these different scenarios. Freedom can be defined in different ways by different people depending on their personal experiences and beliefs. Most people will agree that our society offers a freedom which is acceptable for comfort in their daily lives. Yet there are others who will note the underlying causes of restriction within our given rules and regulations. Our laws are given with the intent of protection of our fellow citizens and maintenance of peace. Many of these laws can be defined as upholding morality such as those stating that murder or thievery are wrong. Others are more susceptible to circumstance such as traffic laws. The latter may be considered by many as an infringement of personal rights and an annoyance. We are subjected to these rules by others who hold positions of power and many may feel their opinions are neglected when these are put into place. Even though the majority of these laws can be agreed upon as being right, we must obey those we do not agree with as well or face the consequences. Commonly debated laws include the legalization of controlled substances and restrictions of medical practices, such as abortion. According to Rousseau, â€Å"Just as the shepherd is superior in kind to his sheep, so, too, the shepherds of men, or, in other words, their rulers, are superior in kind to the peoples. † (Rousseau 60) I believe this to mean that only a select few are given the opportunity to actually instate certain regulations, while the citizens may or may not agree with them. This would be a definite violation of the peoples’ collective rights. Often times, people will follow these rules anyways in order to avoid the persecution that may accompany fighting against them. Others choose to take the opposite approach and make a stand against whatever power may be enforcing these unjust laws, regardless of consequence. People have, in the past, been able to make great changes by putting in the work necessary to accomplish this. In turn, many doors have been opened for groups that would have otherwise been denied. Rousseau also states, â€Å"Obey the powers that be†¦ no case will ever be found of its violation. † (Rousseau 62) As most laws do provide a sort of security for the general public, I feel that some sacrifices or annoyances are bearable and necessary. Achieving an ideal state in society is a difficult task and as a member of this society it is my responsibility to think of the needs of others regardless of my own preferences. The rules that are in place are there for good reason and ensure that other, more necessary freedoms are not violated. Often times in our society, the luxuries given are taken for granted. Many other nations are subject to difficulties and atrocities which the majority of us simply cannot relate to. It can sometimes be difficult to look past what we have in the way of rights and privileges. Also, for us to be free it is not enough that no one stops me from doing something I want to do. I must also have the means to do that. Even if no law prevents me from doing something, should I be unable to act in the chosen way because I lack the necessary education or resources? Certain laws such as taxes and fees for government processes are devised in such a way as to eventually come full circle and direct the benefits back to us. Many don’t agree with these certain taxations despite what was previously mentioned. Our roads, parks and other public works are a perfect example of what these laws provide for us. Laws such as these are necessary for the upstart and maintenance of comfortable living in our communities. It needs to be understood that we, as a nation, have such a great opportunity that many other nations and people in this world can only imagine. We must be careful not to let our freedom slip away as a result of that freedom being taken for granted.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chinese Parenting Style

Amy Chua, a ‘tiger mom’, shared her Chinese parenting style with the public through publishing book and writing article. Her harsh and rigid parenting style raised lots of discussion and concern around the public. They all raise a question- this parenting style can help children to succeed in the future? I think it may not be that easy to raise a child with harsh parenting style. To a large extent, I disagree the harsh parenting style equal a better future of the child. First we have to define what ‘tiger mom’ is.It is a Chinese parenting style that harshly and toughly pushes their children to meet their target or expectation, usually in the aspect of academic. In my opinion, better future includes better physical and mental health, wealth. According to a research which is done by Desiree Baolian Qin, a professor in the department of human development and family studies at Michigan State University, Chinese-American kids were more disadvantageous concerning levels of anxiety and depression and the amount of conflict in their families when comparing European-American kids.The parents do not care what their children’s feeling and perception is. The parents use their authority to push their children. There is a high possibility of conflict between different expectation from parents and children. As sometimes parents have high expectation to children, this put large amount of pressure on children. So, it triggers a certain level of anxiety of children. These combination make children become low self- esteem. Although they will become a profession in the future, they have a bad relationship and a negative impression on parents.Also, tough parenting style will affect children’s communication skill that largely relate to better future. Like popular tiger parent Amy Chua, she does not allow her daughter to stay at school to play with friends after school. A key concept of schooling is developing students’ social and commun ication skills. Parents do not let their children to go out but follow their tied schedule. The children will become not sociable. In workplace, there are not just apply professional skills but also communication and social skills that help people to promote to upper managerial level and work ffectively. Therefore, tiger mom is not equal to a better future. However, a coin has two sides, although Chinese parenting style is very mean, it has certain advantages on children’s future. Focusing on effort but not inherent ability is a feature or advantage of Chinese parenting style. Also, it is the key of distinguishing American and Chinese parenting style. Amy Chua doesn’t let her kids believe they can’t succeed. The style nurtures the children with inculcating the concept of working hard. It pushes children to limit to attain the goal which is set by their parents.This let the children realize that they can make it when working hard. It gradually develops their self confidence and determination to attain a goal. It is well prepared for future to work with colleagues. He or she will become a hard working and determined person in workplace. These are crucial feature of high position in management level. So, a tiger mom equals a better future in this way. Moreover, although parents giving lots of pressure on children will make the relationship tight, it trains children AQ when living and working under pressure.Adversity Quotient (AQ) is the ability of a person to deal with problems. Chinese parenting style harshly push children to achieve certain goals which is not easy to attain. In this time, children have to think of some ways to cope with the problems to satisfy their parents’ desire. As a result, the skills of problem solving are significant in workplace and also live independently. However, this style will largely effect children emotion when there is high possibility that conflict between children and parents.Even some kids have bee n diagnosed of mood disorder. This largely affects the relationship between parents and children and causes apparently mentally unhealthy. So, this is a better future for a child. In conclusion, I admit Chinese parenting style improves children ability of problems solving and develops their determination mind that give them a better future and achievement. However, the parenting style is tremendously rigid to a kid that easily harms their esteem and destroys family relationship.It will give a negative memory in their mind, even get an unrecoverable wound in their heart. Even though their future is bright and recognized, they have negative feeling and history in their mind that I am not notice as ‘better future’. Thus, I disagree a tiger mom equals a better future in a small extent. Reference list: http://www. livescience. com/18023-tiger-parenting-tough-kids. html http://www. raisesmartkid. com/all-ages/1-articles/47-authoritarian-strict-parenting-vs-permissive-which-is -better

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Effects of Fast Food Consumption essay

buy custom Effects of Fast Food Consumption essay Fast food refers to food, whose preparation and serving takes a short time. While every food that has low preparation time is regarded as fast food, the term is usually used to refer to foods, sold in stores or restaurants, with precooked or preheated ingredients, and is served to clients in a packed form as take-away. In the current world, where people are either busy with work, school, or business etc., there is hardly any time to prepare and eat a decent meal at home. Fast food has become the ideal choice for many people around the world, mainly because it is convenient, cheap, and tasty. Consequently, numerous fast food restaurants have been established in different parts of the world to meet the high demand for fast foods. It is crucial to mention that the low cost of fast food is because it is made from low cost ingredients like refined grains, high fat meat, high fats, salt and sugar, with little or no nutrients and vitamins. The United States is the leading world producer of fast food. American fast food restaurants are found in over one hundred countries worldwide. Approximately two million employees in the United States are employed in the fast food industry, including such areas as food servicing and preparation. According to Maynard (18), there are available more than 200, 000 restaurants, generating a revenue of $ 120 billion in sales in the U.S. alone. The key players in the American fast food industry include McDonalds, Domino Pizza, Yum Brands, Sonic as well as Wendys. Fast food consumption has become increasingly popular amongst Americans over the years (Spake 54). This has been attributed to increased advertising of fast foods, the fast-paced lifestyle of Americans as well as the exponential increase of fast food restaurants. Being the leading consumer of fast foods in the whole world, America is struggling with obesity as a key health concern for its citizens. Though fast food is exceptionally tasty, cheap and convenient, which helps to save time, thus, increasing peoples efficiency (Spake 54), I am strongly against its consumption because of the numerous negative effects it has on health. The Negative Effects of Fast Food Consumption Obesity Research by Spake (54) revealed a direct connection between the fast food consumption and obesity; people who consume fast foods more than two times a week weigh on average five extra pounds compared to those who eat fast foods occasionally. Fast foods are notorious for their high calories, salt, sugar, fat; all of which are associated with obesity. Eating excess calories than the body can burn results in obesity. It is estimated that sixty million American adults are obese, while one hundred and twenty seven million others are overweight (Hurley Liebman 13). The incidence of obesity is highest in America as opposed to other developed countries globally (Cutler, Glaeser Shapiro 93), and it cuts across all sectors of American population (Flegal, Carroll, Odgen Johnson 1723 1727). In addition, there is a growing concern for the alarming number of children and adolescents who are overweight in America. It is estimated that 15% of American children are overweight in comparison to onl y 4% not many decades ago (Hurley Liebman 13). It is estimated that every year the United States spend more than 150 billion dollars on obesity-related health conditions, and about 300,000 deaths occur due to obesity (Hurley Liebman 13). The negative effects of obesity on human health, which results from fast food consumption, are far-ranging and numerous and are discussed below: Heart Problems The high cholesterol and fat content in most of fast foods are associated with various heart problems such as heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease etc. (Raloff 381-382). Fast foods contain high fat levels, which can build up in arteries, causing them to narrow, leading to decreased blood flow into the heart. This can either cause a heart attack, or angina (chest pain). In addition, blood clots can form within the narrowed arteries, causing stroke. It has been found that Atherosclerosis, which is a heart disease, is present in obese Americans ten times more than non-obese Americans (Spake 54). Overweight children are prone to getting high blood pressure, a condition with no signs but can lead to heart disease, when left untrreated. Numerous fast foods contain high saturated fat, which cause high levels of cholesterol. High cholesterol levels, when left untreated, can lead to stroke. According to Raloff (381-382), one in every five American teenagers has high chole sterol level. Diabetes Most fast foods have high sugar content, and the consumption of too much sugar contributes to the development of diabetes (Raloff 381-382). Obesity is the main cause of Type 2 Diabetes, which normally starts during adulthood. However, in the recent past, even children have been found to be suffering from Type 2 Diabetes; an indication that obesity has taken on the American children too. Obesity causes insulin resistance (a hormone that controls blood sugar), which leads to elevation of blood sugar level, causing diabetes (Raloff 381-382). It has been found that even moderate obesity can dramatically increase the risk of getting diabetes. Cancer Overweight women have a high risk of getting various types of cancers such as breast, uterus, gallbladder, and colon. In addition, overweight men have a higher risk of prostate and colon cancers (Raloff 381-382). Fast food has become the ideal choice for many people around the world, mainly because it is convenient, cheap, tasty, saves time. However, fast food consumption is not without negative effects, which are numerous, ranging from obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, to increased government spending on healthcare, and that is why I am against its consumption (Raloff 381-382). It is vital to point out that as much as fast food is convenient and spicy, which makes it preferable by many people, its negative health effects on consumers cannot be ignored. Therefore, there is a need to sensitize people on the impact of fast foods on human health to enable them make sound decisions with regard to fast food consumption, i.e. choosing healthy fast food options. Governments across the world should regulate the preparation of fast foods to reduce their calories within the recommended levels. In addition, healthy lifestyles such as regular exercise and healthy diet should be promoted to ensur e that people live healthy lifestyles. Buy custom Effects of Fast Food Consumption essay

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Business Law Report - Contracts

Business Law Report - Contracts The following report is based upon the following scenario. Cooper offers to purchase Brant’s coin collection for $5,000, and Brian accepts Cooper’s offer. Assuming that their agreement has met all the requirements for a valid contract, analyze this contractual situation in regards to different positions that each party can assume. In the first situation that will be analyzed, the contract is written, Brant is a minor, and Cooper is an adult. Brant sold the coin collection to Cooper in exchange for $5,000. Brant then has a change of heart and wants to recover his coin collection from Cooper. The issue is whether or not Brant is allowed to do this while he was still a minor and what if Brant was a minor at the time of the sale, but did not decide that he wanted the coin collection back until a year after his eighteenth birthday. First we have to address the issue of the written contract. To address this issue you must consider if this rule falls under the Stature of Frauds. The Statute of Frauds stipulates which contracts need to be in written form to be enforceable. (West 270) One of the rules states that a contract for goods priced over $500 must be written. So, this contract is acceptable by law. (West 275) Next we can address the issue about Brant being a minor. In the first scenario, it states that Brant is a minor and that he wasn’t to stop the contract while he is still a minor. Since Brant is a minor, the contract can be disaffirmed at his option. (West 240) Brant must return what he received from Cooper in the contract which is $5,000 and Cooper must return the coins. Because of this, Brant cannot receive the coin collection back until he returns the money to Cooper. Lastly, there is the issue about Brant wanting the coin collection back after he reaches the age of majority. Current laws stipulate that minors have the opportunity of disaffirming a contract if it done... Free Essays on Business Law Report - Contracts Free Essays on Business Law Report - Contracts Business Law Report - Contracts The following report is based upon the following scenario. Cooper offers to purchase Brant’s coin collection for $5,000, and Brian accepts Cooper’s offer. Assuming that their agreement has met all the requirements for a valid contract, analyze this contractual situation in regards to different positions that each party can assume. In the first situation that will be analyzed, the contract is written, Brant is a minor, and Cooper is an adult. Brant sold the coin collection to Cooper in exchange for $5,000. Brant then has a change of heart and wants to recover his coin collection from Cooper. The issue is whether or not Brant is allowed to do this while he was still a minor and what if Brant was a minor at the time of the sale, but did not decide that he wanted the coin collection back until a year after his eighteenth birthday. First we have to address the issue of the written contract. To address this issue you must consider if this rule falls under the Stature of Frauds. The Statute of Frauds stipulates which contracts need to be in written form to be enforceable. (West 270) One of the rules states that a contract for goods priced over $500 must be written. So, this contract is acceptable by law. (West 275) Next we can address the issue about Brant being a minor. In the first scenario, it states that Brant is a minor and that he wasn’t to stop the contract while he is still a minor. Since Brant is a minor, the contract can be disaffirmed at his option. (West 240) Brant must return what he received from Cooper in the contract which is $5,000 and Cooper must return the coins. Because of this, Brant cannot receive the coin collection back until he returns the money to Cooper. Lastly, there is the issue about Brant wanting the coin collection back after he reaches the age of majority. Current laws stipulate that minors have the opportunity of disaffirming a contract if it done...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Article In Business Example

Article In Business Ryanair warns fares will rise This article published in The Guardian discusses about Ryanair’s warning to shoot its fare up in the near future. Thisrise in fare would have to be made to meet the company’s targets. All such measures are been taken by the company to increase its profits in the upcoming years. This sudden move to increase the fares and profit is because the company posted an approximate loss of â‚ ¬11 million in the third quarter of 2010. Although the company has been a successful airline service provider recognized as one of the best in the world, it has recently been criticized by some critics along with some of its customers. The basic reason for Ryanair’s success was their ability to cope with their costs which they offered to their customers in the form of low fares, such fares were really low when compared to other airline service providers. Ryanair’s great tendency to innovate always led them to reduce their costs and increase the q uality of their service. Innovation had always been a main factor that led Ryanair to open new dimensions in the airline industry. The strategy followed by Ryanair to reduce their costs was to have low emission aircrafts such as Boeing 737; these aircrafts were also fuel efficient hence they helped Ryanair to have better control over their fuel costs even in the era when fuel costs increased drastically. Such better quality and low cost led Ryanair to be pronounced as the most profitable airline in the world by an Air Transport World Magazine. The article discussed that the company had good prospect as one of its competitors, Germany’s Blue Wings, had left the market and had created a greater scope for Ryanair to capture a much larger market share in the upcoming future. Although according to the company’s Chief Financial Officer, the company might increase its fares in the future, Michael O’Leary, the chief executive of Ryanair was of the view that the company would heavily focus on cutting its costs much more. Besides this statement, he also pointed towards the better and productive performance of the company and increased gain in the market share of the company in area such as Spain, Scandinavia, etc. Because of this news, there was a sudden rise of 5 % in the company’s share in the Dublin market. This article lead to an increase in the share price for Ryanair but this can also signal alarms for its customers as there may be some rise in the fares charged by the company. The positive thing derived from this article would be to favor the shareholders of the company, who would enjoy better profits in the following years to come. References Ryanair warns fares will rise, Katie Allen,, 2010

Friday, October 18, 2019

Income taxition law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Income taxition law - Essay Example Any household required to pay tax on gains that result from disposition of financial and real property2. Whether the gains are speculative, from business income or passive, from capital income, they are subject to tax. On the other hand, investors may make capital losses when the proceeds realised from asset disposal are less than the costs of asset acquisition. Capital gains are only realised when assets are disposed, and not when they are leased. From the information that is provided, the net capital gain for Chloe from the sale of shoe manufacturing factory premises is $1,570,000. This is calculated by subtracting the costs incurred in the acquisition of the factory premises from the proceeds realised from sale of the factory premises as shown. $ $ Selling Price 2,000,000 Goodwill 400,000 Compensation 60,000 Compensation 30,000 2,490,000 Purchase Price 800,000 Goodwill 100,000 Renovation Cost 20,000 920,000 (920,000) Net Capital Gain 1,570,000 The capital gains tax implication for this transaction is that only fifty percent of the net capital gains will be subject to capital gains tax because the factory premise was owned for a period of more than twelve months. Gains arising from assets that were purchased after 21st September 1999 are calculated using the 50% discount method3. An asset purchased and sold more than twelve months later is taxed on 50% of the gain while gains on assets held for less than twelve months do not qualify for an increased base of the fifty percent discount. Therefore, an amount of $ 785,000 will be subject to capital gains tax. There should be proper recording of the business transactions regarding the factory premises, commencing the date of acquisition to avoid paying more capital gains tax than necessary. There will be no benefit of small business concessions. A company whose annual income is more than $2 Million is not a small business. On the other hand, if the aggregate turnover for the current year is less $ 2 Million, then the business is a small business4. Capital Gain Tax Implications on PKY Pty Ltd An expense was incurred in acquiring the company, PKY Pty. There should be appropriate recording of transactions and costs associated with the acquisition and running of this company to ensure that capital gains tax is equitable. It is imperative to note any income that will is to be realised from rent is subject to tax. This is because rental income is subject to tax. Secondly, the retail business’ net proceeds will be subject to tax. In case, the aggregate income per year does not exceed $2 Million, then Chloe can benefit from small business concessions because the company will be categorised under small businesses. Capital Gain Tax Implications on Residential House The $800,000 residential house with $400,000 mortgage is not subject to any tax because all residential properties are exempt from taxation. Personal assets such as personal use assets, home and car are exempted from capital gains ta x. However, this does not apply to depreciating assets such as business equipment or fittings in rental property that are solely used for taxable purposes. To avoid payment of any tax there should be proper recording regarding the residential house cost. Also, the house should not be rented or be on more than two hectares of land, and must have a dwelling in it4. A dwelling is exempt from capital gain

Domestic Business Activities from an International and Global Point of Research Paper

Domestic Business Activities from an International and Global Point of View - Research Paper Example As Vice President, it is important to have knowledge of domestic activities and policies and to understand the various cultures and operations of the sales force outside of the United States. This can only be accomplished by using a human resource (staff) from around the world as they are familiar with the countries, company, and cultures in which they live and are operating. Proper training, understanding of a various cultures, how business is handled in different parts of the world, varying company policies and operations (although the company is one entity, policies and routines vary slightly, if not extremely, in order to accommodate the differences), language and cultural differences, various sales methods, training, customer service, account management, follow-up procedures, key accounts management, etc. can only be handled by working with the various sales teams and using their expertise. The Vice President must make use of his number one asset which is a human resource in ord er to apply the best approaches and methods and focus on both the macro and microeconomics of the global business. He cannot do this alone but will achieve success if he learns from those in the various parts of the world and learns from those who are experts in the various locations and cultures in which they live and work. They will know the best approaches to communication, sales, customer service, find solutions, developing innovative tactics, etc. The best way of managing a diverse sales team is to incorporate the sales management from each area and empowering them and learning from them.

What shapes historical development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What shapes historical development - Essay Example To analyze, since the beginning of time, the nature of man has been disposed to the interest of discoveries which has apparently guided them to establish civilizations and lay foundations for knowledge of various fields. Hence, as humans search for a sense of identity, of humanity, or of the truth in what they are in relation to others of their kind and the environment, in general, they inevitably do tasks or perform activities that create unseen force essential to evolution from one state of nature to the next. The capacity and attitude for quest occurs to be the key which enables men to adapt, make changes, and explore possibilities in order to have a meaningful existence. As a rational being, man thinks and such intrinsic ability to form logical thoughts or ideas is crucial to man’s aim of satisfying a bulk of curiosities and needs, whether concrete or abstract in form. In this manner, thus, men along with their searching nature, skills, vision, deeds, and ways of thinking chiefly shape the course of historical development. Because humans influence each other in a vast number of ways, time after time, early civilizations develop into a more complex system of relations where they have gradually discovered efficient means and tools of sustaining life and addressing different challenges of living. Eventually, there emerged the intertwined concept of ‘progress’ and ‘success’ as men come to understand more deeply the value of human intelligence, of reason, and of persevering act necessary to achieve goals in the study of science, religion, philosophy, arts, music, and literature. The increasing knowledge on these subject areas allows formation of cultures and societies that are distinct from each other and such distinction affects historical context. Moreover, it is through knowledge that men examine themselves as sensible individuals and learn of power and conquest for which economy and politics matter in further structuring the norms of ethics and moral law within a society. When nations march for war against one another, this event would undoubtedly mark a point of development as history exhibits how ideals differ depending on the political and economic position of a country involved compared to the rest. Consequently, the similarities and dissimilarities in beliefs or views of men identify what a nation, culture, or average community is made of and illustrate that differences among human perspectives herein can be vital player in determining specific factors by which historical development proceeds in any part of the world. It turns out that, for as long as men can manage to acquire and apply knowledge, as well as become socio-politically aware, and engage in scientific, literary, or philosophical efforts for the sake of attaining power and progress, then historical development continues to be modified through interactions and the events to which they yield. Does this historical development have a patter n? If so, what is this pattern? Yes. Historical development seems to be patterned after a process in which a civilization or a nation rises in power as an empire then declines or falls weak after sometime due to conflicts originating either from the side of the ruler or that of the subjects or people whose economic or cultural issues have not been settled or dealt with in proper terms. A historically critical person may observe a cycle where the state of economy varies directly as the state of politics so that the principal workers of this system are normally headed to the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Final Paper Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final Paper Proposal - Essay Example ss try to argue what each of these individual thinkers would have thought about the rights of gay marriage – the fact that they all lived more than a century ago probably means that they would all have been against it simply due to bias. Rather, it will argue what positions are internally coherent with their stated philosophies, and whether the philosophical traditions they belong to would support or oppose gay marriage. I believe that, even though Karl Marx had spoken out publicly against gay rights, all three of these thinkers propose philosophies that fundamentally support the right of gay marriage. John Stuart Mill’s liberalism might be the most friendly to the idea. Firstly, he championed the fight against the tyranny of the majority (Mill 24), where majority opinion, bias and hatred controls other parts of the population. The fight against gay marriage is obviously a case of tyranny of the majority. Secondly, he founded the â€Å"harm principle† where actions that do not harm others should not be negated by the government. Though some have argued that gay marriage can harm society, the lack of evidence of specific harm would mean it would be protected by the harm principle. Kant, likewise, would probably support the right of gay people to marriage. One of his foundational works, Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals proposes the categorical imperative: that one should behave as one would if behavior became a universal maxim. This will be harder to prove in an essay, but there are many ways of framing the banning of gay marriage that, universalized, would be harmful, such as: relationships not recognized by a particular religion should not be recognized by law or law should be based on religious morality. Finally, based on Marx’s Communist Manifesto, I believe that he would be against the current fight against gay marriage, on purely pragmatic grounds. Marx was a thinker who focused on class, and noted and fought against attempts by the

The Impact Of Gender Bias On The Court Sentence Research Paper

The Impact Of Gender Bias On The Court Sentence - Research Paper Example Court systems all over the world face relative similar accusations of being biased against one side, while passing judgments in the judicial systems. Gender bias is not something new, although it is a fact that most of the judicial executives and staff would try to avoid being identified as associated with. Whether it is in the line of duty in the judicial system or inside the court executions, it is possible to realize strain of an issue being concerned and expended towards one group and not the other, for some reasons without enough weight to lead to the order given. Sometimes people wonder why some decisions are made so quickly, despite the matter being radical, yet there are other crucial aspects to consider. Is it ignorance on the part of the judicial conduct committee, the Judges, lawyers, inability of the offender or the offender to follow up their cases, or intervention by other interested third parties? These are some of the questions that concerned parties keep asking thems elves at an occurrence of an unexpected outcome in court hearings. Court systems are there to listen to the cases brought forward, consider evidence and reasons of an action taken, then evaluate to provide a fair principle of directives to the concerned parties after consultation. Honestly, most cases have been handled with integrity, but there are few of those that have been appealed due to the dissatisfaction of clients, soon after their final court hearing. Why do many individuals especially in cases related to domestic affairs rush back for a petition? Different nations may have different ways in how they conduct their legal affairs, and so do the justice functions and methods tend to differ.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What shapes historical development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What shapes historical development - Essay Example To analyze, since the beginning of time, the nature of man has been disposed to the interest of discoveries which has apparently guided them to establish civilizations and lay foundations for knowledge of various fields. Hence, as humans search for a sense of identity, of humanity, or of the truth in what they are in relation to others of their kind and the environment, in general, they inevitably do tasks or perform activities that create unseen force essential to evolution from one state of nature to the next. The capacity and attitude for quest occurs to be the key which enables men to adapt, make changes, and explore possibilities in order to have a meaningful existence. As a rational being, man thinks and such intrinsic ability to form logical thoughts or ideas is crucial to man’s aim of satisfying a bulk of curiosities and needs, whether concrete or abstract in form. In this manner, thus, men along with their searching nature, skills, vision, deeds, and ways of thinking chiefly shape the course of historical development. Because humans influence each other in a vast number of ways, time after time, early civilizations develop into a more complex system of relations where they have gradually discovered efficient means and tools of sustaining life and addressing different challenges of living. Eventually, there emerged the intertwined concept of ‘progress’ and ‘success’ as men come to understand more deeply the value of human intelligence, of reason, and of persevering act necessary to achieve goals in the study of science, religion, philosophy, arts, music, and literature. The increasing knowledge on these subject areas allows formation of cultures and societies that are distinct from each other and such distinction affects historical context. Moreover, it is through knowledge that men examine themselves as sensible individuals and learn of power and conquest for which economy and politics matter in further structuring the norms of ethics and moral law within a society. When nations march for war against one another, this event would undoubtedly mark a point of development as history exhibits how ideals differ depending on the political and economic position of a country involved compared to the rest. Consequently, the similarities and dissimilarities in beliefs or views of men identify what a nation, culture, or average community is made of and illustrate that differences among human perspectives herein can be vital player in determining specific factors by which historical development proceeds in any part of the world. It turns out that, for as long as men can manage to acquire and apply knowledge, as well as become socio-politically aware, and engage in scientific, literary, or philosophical efforts for the sake of attaining power and progress, then historical development continues to be modified through interactions and the events to which they yield. Does this historical development have a patter n? If so, what is this pattern? Yes. Historical development seems to be patterned after a process in which a civilization or a nation rises in power as an empire then declines or falls weak after sometime due to conflicts originating either from the side of the ruler or that of the subjects or people whose economic or cultural issues have not been settled or dealt with in proper terms. A historically critical person may observe a cycle where the state of economy varies directly as the state of politics so that the principal workers of this system are normally headed to the

The Impact Of Gender Bias On The Court Sentence Research Paper

The Impact Of Gender Bias On The Court Sentence - Research Paper Example Court systems all over the world face relative similar accusations of being biased against one side, while passing judgments in the judicial systems. Gender bias is not something new, although it is a fact that most of the judicial executives and staff would try to avoid being identified as associated with. Whether it is in the line of duty in the judicial system or inside the court executions, it is possible to realize strain of an issue being concerned and expended towards one group and not the other, for some reasons without enough weight to lead to the order given. Sometimes people wonder why some decisions are made so quickly, despite the matter being radical, yet there are other crucial aspects to consider. Is it ignorance on the part of the judicial conduct committee, the Judges, lawyers, inability of the offender or the offender to follow up their cases, or intervention by other interested third parties? These are some of the questions that concerned parties keep asking thems elves at an occurrence of an unexpected outcome in court hearings. Court systems are there to listen to the cases brought forward, consider evidence and reasons of an action taken, then evaluate to provide a fair principle of directives to the concerned parties after consultation. Honestly, most cases have been handled with integrity, but there are few of those that have been appealed due to the dissatisfaction of clients, soon after their final court hearing. Why do many individuals especially in cases related to domestic affairs rush back for a petition? Different nations may have different ways in how they conduct their legal affairs, and so do the justice functions and methods tend to differ.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ethics Case Study Essay Example for Free

Ethics Case Study Essay Utilitarianism Utilitarianism would not qualify Tom falsifying data as unethical, as it would have the greatest benefits to the larger quantity of stakeholders whilst only bringing a limited amount of harm. This can be seen through the stakeholders who benefit from Tom gaining full-time employment such as; his parents, the child receiving the life-saving sponsorship, the charity and the government, as Tom could start paying his HECS debt. One stakeholder who would be harmed by Toms dilemma is the small accounting firm in Milton. Ultimately the risk of this actually harming the business due to his lack of experience would be minimised due to Tom being tightly supervised for the first year of work. Egoism also maintains that the agent should do whatever they ought to do if it benefits themselves. In Toms moral dilemma, if he falsifies his CV in order to achieve full time work, he is acting on the natural instinct of self promotion that egoism sees as ethical. Kantian ethics Kantian ethics maintains that there are some things that are deemed wrong in themselves, apart from their consequences. This means that Tom should regard the act of lying as wrong; regardless whether it brings about good results. Kants categorical imperative states I should never act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal good† (Kant, 1996). In universalising a law that is not in relation to specific circumstances, it allows moral issues to be solved by pure rationality. When applying Toms situation to Kants universalisation theory, a maxim for Toms situation could be â€Å"one should falsify data if it benefits them†. This could not be accepted as a law universally as falsifying data could not be consistent, as eventually all data would be deemed tainted and therefore unusable, leading to the act of giving information to its own demise. If it  were ethical for Tom to falsify data, Tom would have to accept that it would therefore be ethical for everyone to do so. If everyone was free to fake data, universal lying would weaken trust in communication. Kant also states â€Å"act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an end and never simply means† (Kant, 1996). If Tom falsified his CV, it would result in disrespect as the owners of the accounting firm are basing crucial business decisions on inaccurate data, which is unethical. Virtue ethics Applying virtue ethics is based on evaluating how virtuous Tom is, not just the actions or consequences of his moral situation. A virtue that can be applied from Aristotles Doctrine of the Mean is ‘indifference’ meaning good deeds are done for their own sake and not for personal recognition. The two vices of indifference are false modesty (deficiency) and careerist (excess). Assuming Tom decided to fake his CV he would display characteristics in the vice of excess meaning he is a careerist and would not be classified as virtuous, and therefore unethical. Ranking of Ethical Theories 1. Utilitarianism/Egoism Utilitarianism is in line with many fundamental morals that society intends for us to adopt. For example, two fundamental ethical principles are that we must avoid doing harm to others and aim to do good. When I consider certain actions or decisions, I usually evaluate them in terms of their consequences. Although it disregards the ethical element of an action, it looks at the benefits it can cause in solving my moral dilemmas. Egoism also  usually takes part in most of my moral decision making. I usually base many of my decisions on the consequences I can achieve, therefore find this most useful. 2. Virtue Ethics I use virtue ethics to solve some moral issues due to the benefit of gaining insight into emotional and personal values in relation to the action. I believe people are emotionally involved in ethical reasoning making virtue ethics a better way to assess whether an action is ethical or not. I find this theory somewhat useful as I believe every situation cannot be branded under absolute rules, as in Kantian Ethics. 3. Kantian Ethics Although Kantian seems like the ‘right’ moral structure to follow it is extremely idealistic and would not necessarily result in good outcomes for me or the greater good of everyone. I think due to it being a rigid system, in certain situations for my moral dilemmas, it could not be used as Kantian ethics does not factor the importance of character and motivation in making ethical judgements. Therefore I dont believe I would assess the ethics of a dilemma accurately, finding this least useful. PART B Socially responsible organisations should aim to minimise their negative impacts, but the fast food industry faces extreme public criticism due to the effects it is having on some main stakeholders; consumers and communities. Fast food consumption is potentially harmful and if businesses adopt Friedmans’ shareholder theory by only focusing on short-term profit goals, the long-term welfare of customers is compromised. For example, Bowman, Gortmaker Ebbeling (2004), indicate that â€Å"energy derived from fast  food is   10% of a childs average recommended daily intake, 5 times more than the 1970’s†. This highlights the need for somebody to not only take responsibility but action. â€Å"Advertisers spend 100s of billions of dollars a year worldwide encouraging, persuading and manipulating children into a consumer lifestyle† (Beder, 1998), leading to devastating consequences. The narrow view by Friedman, where businesses adopt the ‘let the government do it’ theory is criticised as society now has a greater concern for a better quality of life which businesses could help achieve. Supporters of Freeman maintain that fast food corporations have a responsibility to their stakeholders and should acknowledge potential health risks associated with consuming fast food. Highly advertised food corporations should have responsibilities beyond enhancing their profits, because they have great social and economic power in society. This undeniable power discounts Friedman’s theory that the ‘business can’t handle it’. If corporations have such power, they should also take responsibility for its actions in these areas. Nature Neuroscience published a study linking â€Å"effects of fast food to those of addictive substances such as cocaine, heroin and nicotine† (Klein, 2010). If tobacco packaging in many countries legally have to display health warnings due to smoking being addictive, why does fast food packaging not have responsibility to do the same? Businesses who adopt a narrow view on CSR compromise stakeholders welfare. For example, on January 1954 in the US â€Å"main tobacco companies published a statement named ‘A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers’ reaching an estimated 43,245,000 Americans† (Cummings, 2002). The advertisement promised consumers that cigarettes were safe and denied all health risks to consumers. This resulted in millions of people dying due to lacking concern stemming from the companies understating health effects in a blind effort to create profit. This scenario could almost determine the future of fast food industries being irresponsible about  marketing to addicted consumers. If major food corporations dont undertake measures to outweigh unhealthy promotion to children and society, they might too face the same consequences.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of Texting on Language

Impact of Texting on Language The English language as you may know is evolving since the beginning, one read of Beowulf or The Canterbury Tales is enough to be reminded of how far removed we are from the language of our ancestors. Texting is the next step in evolution of English language so we should be cautious about it. There are two main arguments about text messaging. One is that text messaging is impacting the English language by impacting teenagers ability to write English using proper punctuation and spelling. The opposing position is, of course, that it does not impact English language and in some way might actually enhance it. Perhaps as we document and collect works of writers and leaders, texts will be abbreviation rich. Future generations would have to study and analyze those abbreviations to understand them. It is accurate to say that the use of texting impacts teenagers language skills which in turn can impact our English language. Language Skills: Some researchers have begun exploring how text messaging affects students language skills and surprisingly, they find a positive correlation. One study done by the professor Clare Wood at Coventry University in Britain found that 11-year-olds who used the most textism (texting language) were actually better at spelling and writing. A command of texting seems to indicate a broader facility for language, and these students seem to switch easily between text messaging and Standard English. Not only that, the study also showed that children who regularly texted showcased a richer vocabulary and gain creativity. She believes that its all misconceptions that text messages are all made up of abbreviated words (Wood, Plester Joshi, 2009). However, this is one of the misconceptions. Professor Clare Wood thinks that texting has a positive impact on teenagers language skills, but these seem a bit extreme. Some studies find this to be the opposite. Drew Cingle and S. Shyam Sundar conducted research at Penn State University. Both authors argued that the students who write in techspeak used shorthand phrases to compose a text message. They thought that writing in techspeak would prevent persons ability to go from techspeak to normal rules of grammar. Based on their data from over 500 students from middle school, they concluded that our data supports that there is a decline in grammar scores. Cingle gives reader personal example from his two younger nieces. He indicates that their text messages were incomprehensible and that he had ask them what they were trying to get out of that message. The message was incomprehensible because the use of shorthand phrases, he said (Cingle Sundar). I agree with Professor Clare on how texting develops creativity through the use of shortcuts. However, Clare Wood has to realize that teenagers are actually making their own language through texting and that language is different from English. Shortcuts used are not that easy to understand as Clare thinks. Even Cingle mentions that he couldnt read his nieces text. And not only that, Sundar and Cingles study proves that texting could also impact grammar. It is true that not everyone can be affected; some can even benefit from it. However, this is something that should be taken into considerations. Since more and more teenagers are starting to use shortcuts. Another research done by Joan Lee undermines Clare Woods research. Joan Lee did study to find the impact of texting on language skills. Based on her data, her results proved that the students who texted more were less likely to incorporate new vocabulary. Her results also proved that students who read newspaper or media were likely to gain more vocabulary. Our assumption about texting is that it encourages unconstrained language, Lee argues, but the study found this to be a myth. Lee argues that reading print media exposes people to variety and  creativity  in language that is not found in text messaging used among youth (Lee). Study done by professor Clare Wood provided some good evidence on vocabulary. I agree with her on how students can gain vocabulary by texting. However, the professor didnt realize that the vocabulary expands upon first using communication device due to some unique words used in texting. However, the vocabulary size levels off as the person knows most of the words that are unique to texting. After that, the person will use same group of vocabulary over and over again. If the Wood did his study many times then the result could have been the opposite. Since the teenagers vocabulary isnt expanding, this means that more words are going extinct and fewer words are being added to our language. Even Cingle and Joan Lees studies hold some limitations. Since the study was done on small population, the results are not generalizable. However, both researches lay the groundwork for future studies. One thing can be certain for sure and that is texting does impact students language skills to a small extent. Addiction: Texting language is no different from other innovative forms of written expression that have emerged in the past (Crystal).    Some linguists are optimistic about the use of texting. Despite doom-laden prophecies, texting has not been the disaster language many feared, argues linguistics Professor David Crystal. On the contrast, it improves childrens writing and spelling. In his book he mentions that students know when to switch from texting to writing an essay for class. He believes that text messages are not made up of abbreviated words (Crystals). Txting is an informative book that really explains the history of abbreviations and acronyms. David Crystal points out a lot of such abbreviations that we tend to take for granted. However, I disagree with some of his opinions that texting is really not a problem. He doesnt go into any detail about how obsessive people can get when it comes to texting. Dr. Greenfield, a psychologist and expert on technology addiction, mentions in his book Virtual Addiction that texting is a form of addiction. Every text is novel and changeable and it is this novelty and unpredictability that creates the pleasurable dopamine  [1]  hit that chemically locks in the reinforcement  [2]  . The fact that you cannot predict what and when you will get a desirable text creates addictive reinforcement experience, and it is this phenomenon that seems to help lock-in a compulsive pattern of text use. Therefore, addition leads to the decrease in performance (Greenfield). Again, the book Txing is mostly a critique on language and how it is affected by texting, but to think that texting is not problematic is a bit naive. David Crystal sees texting as whimsical and creative, but he must acknowledge the social and emotional implications as well. Addiction also plays role. Addiction leads to the downfall of language skills not just by limited use of texting but in order for texting to impact teenagers, teenagers have to text almost every day until it becomes their habit. Those abbreviations become their habit and teens will start using it everywhere, where its not needed. Those abbreviations are then slowly incorporated into their everyday language. It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it (Hensley). The texting language is slowly pouring into English language. Language is evolving; however the consequences could be unpredictable. Caution should be taken regarding texting.What would you do if you opened up a book to see nothing but chat speak? Personally, I would be terrified. In response to this new generation of language, the latest update of the Oxford Dictionaries Online has published new additions of words, definitions and abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of expressions (made popular through their frequent use in text messaging, an other forms of technological communications such as in social-networking sites and emails) such as OMG and LOL. These new internet and text inspired expressions are now legitimately margining into our English language, which demonstrates how much texting has impact our language. And not only that, when I write essays, I often write r u instead of Are you. So the texting messaging is also impacting language skills. Everything boils d own to language. Every abbreviation that teenagers use is impacting our English language. Literature is likely to become as abbreviated as teenagers attention span. The arguments from both sides are very strong. Linguistic David Crystal argues very effectively to tell readers that texting does not affect language. However, his results were mostly based on interviews which are not reliable because since the interview questions tend to seek opinions. Instead research should be conducted to find the accurate results. Joan Lee and Sundar point out some interesting points regarding texting and language skills. Based on their results, one thing is certain for sure, and that is that text messaging has had an impact on Standard English and on peoples language skills, slight or great. It is the addiction that makes texting a habit for teenagers. Text speak will seem normal in 50 years time. Perhaps there will be a 21st-century edition of Shakespeares collected works featuring 2B/not 2B and the Oxford English Dictionary will define 2thless and 1derment.   Some students seem to have difficulties keeping the language of text messaging separate from t he Standard English, and whether Standard English will change as a result of this remains to be seen.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet - Insanity within Hamlet E

Insanity within Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Let us explore in this essay the real or feigned madness of the hero in William Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy Hamlet.    Critical opinion is divided on this question. A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy staunchly adheres to the belief that Hamlet would cease to be a tragic character if he were really mad at any time in the play (30). On the other hand, W. Thomas MacCary in Hamlet: A Guide to the Play maintains that the prince not only feigns insanity but also shows signs of true insanity:    Hamlet feigns madness but also shows signs of true madness) after his father’s death and his mother’s overhasty remarriage; Ophelia actually does go mad after her father’s death at the hands of Hamlet. For both, madness is a kind of freedom – a license to speak truth. Those who hear them listen carefully, expecting to find something of substance in their speech. Is it they, the audience, who make something out of nothing, or is it the mad who make something out of the nothing of ordinary experience? (90)    Hamlet’s conversation with Claudius is insane language to the latter. Lawrence Danson in â€Å"Tragic Alphabet† describes how Hamlet’s use of the syllogism is pure madness to the king:    From Claudius’s point of view, however, the syllogism is simply mad: its logic is part of Hamlet’s â€Å"antic disposition.† Sane men know, after all, that â€Å"man and wife is one flesh† only in a metaphoric or symbolic sense; they know that only a madman would look for literal truth in linguistic conventions. And Claudius is right that such â€Å"madness in great ones must not unwatched go† (III.i.end). (70)    Hamlet’s first words in the play say that Claudius is "A little more than kin and less t... ... Sons, 1899.    Felperin, Howard. â€Å"O’erdoing Termagant.† Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1986. Rpt. of â€Å"O’erdoing Termagant: An Approach to Shakespearean Mimesis.† The Yale Review 63, no.3 (Spring 1974).    Foakes, R.A.. â€Å"The Play’s Courtly Setting.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. of â€Å"Hamlet and the Court of Elsinore.† Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespearean Study and Production. No. 9. Ed. Allardyce Nicoll. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1956.    MacCary, W. Thomas. Hamlet: A Guide to the Play. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1998.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.      

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Effect of the Church in the World Essay -- Religion, Christians

There is significant debate about the effect of the church in the world. Did it really disrupt the existing social order? For many years Hans Conzelmann’s thesis that Christians are â€Å"docile subjects and trouble arises only when Jews rouse the populace with false accusations against the church† dominated scholarship. Later, Richard Cassidy (Political Issues in Luke-Acts) challenges this perspective by viewing Jesus as a â€Å"nonviolent social dissident who was †¦ a potential danger to the Roman empire† by paralleling Jesus’ effect on Rome with Gandhi’s effect on the British empire. Though Luke (in Acts) tends to depict Rome as â€Å"fair and respectful in their treatment of Christians, and the apostles are certainly not seeking to foment rebellion against the empire,† Hays also notes that the apostles and the Christian community do sometimes upset the cultural conventions which creates tension with the â€Å"established social order.† In fact â€Å"Luke’s vision for the transformative power of the church †¦ turns the world upside down not through armed revolution but through the formation of the church as a counterculture, an alternative witness-bearing community.† Schnackenburg believes that the church saw themselves as the â€Å"true ‘Israel of God’† and as â€Å"legitimate heirs of the old people of the covenant.† They preserved the Jewish way of life, while confessing Jesus as Messiah, held to the teaching of the apostles, kept the Eucharist and communal meals, and held worship services in private homes with common prayer. Though externally identifiable with Judaism, it was â€Å"a separate community in faith and worship† whose life was affected by these practices.† Though there were controversies within the community, these are presented as being reso... ...dom.† Hays sees Luke as portraying the early community fulfilling two ideals: the Greek conception of friendship, and the Hebrew (Deuteronomic) ideal of covenant community. Aristotle argued that true friendship was an â€Å"extension of regard for self† citing proverbs such as â€Å"Friends have one soul between them† and â€Å"Friends’ goods are common property.† Additionally (as mentioned above), Deuteronomy 15 outlines the blessings for God’s people who remain faithful to the covenant (Deut. 15:4-5, 7-8). Ultimately, Luke Johnson develops an idea that â€Å"possessions function as symbols of response to God† and so the Jerusalem community’s response â€Å"are sure signs of the presence of God’s Spirit in their midst† and that they shared goods demonstrated â€Å"God’s effectual grace.† Once again, the movement of the Spirit is credited for the dynamic life and growth of the community.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Recent Stock Market Crash and Government Initiatives

And Government Initiatives for stabilizing the market Dear Sir Here is the report on â€Å"Analysis of Recent Stock Market Crash and Government Initiatives for stabilizing the market† which I have prepared as the requirement of completion of the ABA degree and the course BUS 498, Project Work. While making the report I studied the reasons of stock market crash of Bangladesh during 2010-201 land government taken initiatives to stabilize the market situation. I have come to know a lot of things about the practical scenario of the capital market in Bangladesh.The whole experience of this report writing enabled me to bridge the AP between classroom learning in my academic study in the university and real life situations to a great extent. I thank you and the University for providing me such an opportunity. Sincerely yours, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT For helping to making this project, at first, I would like to thanks the Almighty and My parents. I am grateful to the employees of broker house s who helped me in collecting data and other necessary information for this report. I would also like to thank my friends and relatives for their supports.I would like to express my respected appreciation to my instructor Md. Zulu Haze. His constant guidance and advice played the pivotal role in making this report a success. He always gave me his suggestions that were crucial in making this report as flawless as possible. The project report is prepared to fulfill the partial requirement of the ABA program. Regarding the outcome of this report, I would like to express my sincere gratitude, profound thankfulness and indebtedness to my honorable teachers of the Department of Business Administration.I must take this opportunity to thank Dacha Stock Exchange for giving me the opportunity to complete my project requirement ND gave me the chance to show my practicability in the organizational arena. Executive Summery This report is about identifying the causes behind the recent collapse of capital market in 2010-2011 and government initiatives regarding that. To identify the causes and effective initiatives requires plenty of time and informational resources. Due to shortage of that the report highlights on the principal areas of the topic. The whole report is divided into six chapters covering their own respective parts of the topic.Chapter one Contains the detailed information about the recent market crash n 2010-2011 and government initiatives for stabilizing the market. The chapter includes several segments such as origin of the report, background, rationale of the report, objectives of the study, scope and limitations. It describes the background of the capital market in our country in details. Chapter two report revealed the methods used in collecting the objectives of the report which are the causes of the market crash and government initiatives regarding that. Primary and secondary data sources are used to complete this report.The chapter shared the direct op inion and ideas of he investors and informational data from Journals, paper articles and websites of the capital markets about the catastrophic incident of the capital market. The third chapter of the report provides an detailed description about the capital markets of Bangladesh and its history, Dacha stock exchange (DEEDS) and its missions, objectives and functions, Chitchatting stock exchange (CASE) and its vision, mission and objectives & an overview of Bangladesh securities and exchange commission (BASE) have been given consecutively.DEEDS is the present form of former east Pakistan stock exchange. It is the largest capital market of the country. CASE is known as the pioneer of modern capital stock exchange in the country. The mission DEEDS & CASE is to create a successful well-organized and transparent market of international standard to facilitate the competent entrepreneurs to raise capital and speed up industrial growth for overall benefit of the economy. So that Bangladesh can be a perfect investment ground for the domestic and foreign investors.The prime objective of the DEEDS & CASE is to create a nation-wide stock market also beyond the national boundary. The activities of DEEDS and CASE are regulated by the Bangladesh securities exchange omission. Beech's mission is to protect the interests of securities investors, developed and maintained fair, transparent and efficient securities markets, ensure proper issuance of securities and compliance with securities laws. This chapter discusses elaborately about these topics. Chapter four raises the detailed discussion about the capital market crash in 2010-2011.It highlights the December 2010 and January 2011 separately to explain the exact situation before, during and after the capital market collapse. There was an extreme disorder among the investors and law enforcers in the street. The government, regulatory bodies and BASE took immediate steps to minimize the losses of the investors and regain the st ability of the capital market. A committee of four members had been formed to find out the reasons behind the catastrophic incident.The committee submitted the report identifying the reasons which are role of market regulators and their employees, demutualization of exchanges, uniform face value of shares, trade in pre-pip placement, misuse of omnibus accounts, faulty asset revaluation, irregularities in book building method, lack of knowledge of small investor, December closing of financial institutions, serial ND artificial trading, issue of right and preference shares, suspicious transaction of top players, block placement and direct listing.The fifth chapter of the report explains the necessary steps taken by the government to overcome this recent catastrophe in stock market.In order to bring stabilization in the capital market government has taken some initiatives such as increasing the merging loans,relaxing the maximum limit of merchant banks investment starting netting syste m once again,altering mutual fund rules, introducing circuit breaker on the capital market index ,enforcing disciplinary measures against illegal activities,reviewing the transparency in transaction through Boo accounts etc. Chapter six consists of the recommendations which are stated to make the capital market more stable. He major recommendations are all the parties have to work perfectly, government can improve its guidelines for stock market, the decisions regarding the market should be taken considering behavioral psychology of the investors, in order to make the market more attractive, the corporate tax bracket can be lowered in order to encourage pompons to list their companies in the exchanges, the regulatory bodies' frequently changing policy and rules that is not good for the market stability, at the initial stages of stock market development, appropriation of state owned enterprises can make a signification contribution, regular TV and radio program should be made on deve lopments and other topics relating to the stock market to make the investors aware etc. The study has attempted to find out the major reasons for the recent stock market crash of Bangladesh in 2010-11 and role of different regulatory organizations including DEEDS, CASE, SEC and the government of the country. A number of reasons for the stock market crash have been identified. Though many causes were identified, few factors emerged stronger in the recent stock market crash.The causes includes over exposure of banks and financial institutions, poor monitoring of regulators, corrupted employees of regulatory organizations, margin loan, direct listing, insider trading, book building, lack of general investor's knowledge, imbalance of share and intervention of Bangladesh Bank. Other reasons, mentioned in discussion section were also liable for the crash. It also tries to suggest regulatory organizations to follow the recommendations to stabilize the capital market more efficiently.